Network monitoring is the regular use of a monitoring system that notifies the network manager in case of down time or other malfunctions. Bear in mind that network monitoring is just part of network maintenance. The entire network monitoring process is supervised by Network Operations personnel and Network Security Officers (NSAO's) who are responsible for detecting, preventing, and responding to security threats.

Some typical network monitoring services include bandwidth consumption, response time, server efficiency, and availability. Many organizations use network monitoring to determine what IT resources might be best used for, such as reducing the load on existing IT resources, or for helping to troubleshoot specific problems. This helps them determine where additional IT resources might be required. Learn about a traffic monitor now.

For businesses using network monitoring services, there are a number of benefits to using this service. If a network problem occurs, the network monitoring service alerts an administrator and he can then take action to fix the problem. If network monitoring is used often enough, the IT staff will get better at finding and fixing problems themselves, saving money in training resources and reducing the cost of repair. Often, a network monitoring service can catch problems hours before they become serious enough to be of any concern to the primary IT staff. Network monitoring can also act as a contingency plan, in the event that some hardware or software is down for some reason. If this problem does not occur in the primary network, the network monitoring service can alert the IT staff that there are still critical issues to resolve.

Using network monitoring services also has several drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that it can be expensive to implement. Often, the network monitoring solutions are tied into contracts with carriers and other vendors that make it more difficult to scale up the network. In addition, most network monitoring services require some form of back-up, which is also costs extra and can sometimes be problematic when equipment is lost. Finally, monitoring software and hardware are often proprietary, making it difficult to obtain a replacement.

Using monitoring software and hardware is a good way to monitor network activity and determine problems before they become critical. Monitoring software can be used in conjunction with network monitoring services to provide even more detailed information on network usage. Monitoring software and hardware are also great for businesses that do not have the IT budget to purchase and install network monitoring equipment. Software monitoring provides business owners with more control and greater visibility into the activities going on with their network.

For small to medium sized network environments, network monitoring services are an effective way to detect network problems before they become out of control. For large network environments, such as those with higher bandwidth and larger data sets, network monitoring serves as a good practice. Either method of network monitoring should be implemented according to specific needs and should be implemented as the network situation changes, to make sure that the network is operating at maximum capacity and that the business is profiting from the resources.  You can read this post to get more information on this subject: